peacock bass fishingLancaster Web DesignThe official state rules for Texans entering the State of California.
1. You can pronounce "Oakland" and "Pasadena" correctly
2. That bears here are brown, not black
3. That nobody here goes to church that much
4. We don't call Mexican food "Tex-Mex", we just call it Mexican food
5. We don't like mowing lawns that much, so don't mind.
6. You are used to all the smog here
7. We're not to fond of conservative ideas, so don't shout them out unless you're in the Simi Valley.
8. Sometimes the weather is depressing, sometimes it's like hell.
9. Instead of pulling over when the cops put a siren, you speed up and get away.
10. The Cops WILL kick your @$$. Just get used to a good Rodney King-style highway beating.
More of a Cal joke, but I couldn't put it anywhere else.